Who’s turning 1? Itch to Stitch! (Giveaway + Blog Tour + Sale)
I can’t believe Itch to Stitch is turning one in a couple days! Yes, I released the Marbella Dress pattern on October 8th, 2014. It actually feels longer in my head, because I have been working on Marbella for a while before it was released. No matter, the official release date should be counted as the birthday. Since then, I have released a total of 10 patterns. This is still the very beginning of Itch to Stitch. It is going to continue to evolve and have many more birthdays.
Thanks for being here to celebrate this momentous milestone with me! I’ve lined up a giveaway, blog tour and sale for the festivity!
You don’t want to miss the giveaway. The prizes are so amazing that, frankly, I wish I could snap them up for myself. Lucky you that I am not that selfish. There are two parts of the giveaway.
Grand Prize Giveaway
These sponsors will be giving away these amazing prizes. At the end of the celebration, one lucky winner will be selected to take everything home. Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win. (Scroll to the bottom to enter – starts at midnight Eastern Time on Oct 8th, 2015.)
The Fabric Store – $100 Gift Certificate
The Fabric Store (USA) is generously giving away a $100 gift certificate. Check out their new arrivals and you will be drooling like I am. (You will be placing your order by phone or email.)
Elliott Berman Textiles – Fabric Bundle from France & Italy
Elliott Berman Textiles specializes in high-end fashion fabric. They will be giving away a fabulous bundle of fabric (as shown). Peeps, this is some serious deliciousness. On the left is Digital Tropical Print Viscose Challis from France; in the middle is CHANEL Matelasse from France; and on the right is Dolce & Gabbana Digital Print Boiled Wool.
Craftsy – Three Classes of Choice
Craftsy will be giving away three classes of choice. Craftsy has been instrumental to my continuous education in garment constructions and pattern creation. They produce high-quality video classes with top-notch instructors, allowing anyone with an Internet connection to learn many different types of craft at a fairly low price. It’s pretty amazing when you think about it.
The Shirtmaking Workbook
David Page Coffin and Quarto Publishing Group USA will be giving away the newly-released The Shirtmaking Workbook. If you haven’t read a book by David Page Coffin, you totally should. This master talks about every aspect of shirt making in this book, as well as in his previous book, Shirtmaking: Developing Skills For Fine Sewing. You will not believe how much there is to know about making shirts, and David has perfected it all. Also authored by David is Making Trousers for Men & Women: A Multimedia Sewing Workshop.
Indie Sew – $25 Gift Certificate
Indie Sew offers the hottest sewing patterns all created by independent designers, which, of course, includes Itch to Stitch patterns! Thank you, Indie Sew, for donating a $25- gift certificate to the grand prize giveaway.
Girl Charlee Fabrics – $25 Gift Certificate
At Girl Charlee Fabrics, you are going to find the best selection of the most unique knit fabrics that you will not find anywhere else. Girl Charlee is generously donating a $25 gift certificate for the celebration.
UpCraft Club – $25 Gift Certificate
UpCraft Club is the first modern sewing association for people who especially love using digital patterns. The membership-based pattern store will be offering a $25 gift certificate to the grand prize.
Everyday Pattern Giveaway
Each day for the week of celebration, I’ll feature one pattern designer. I have chosen these seven designers whose style I admire; some of them have given me inspiration and help throughout the young life of Itch to Stitch. You have to come back to Itch to Stitch to get a chance to win 2 patterns from the designer of the day.
Baste + Gather | Straight Stitch Designs | Megan Nielsen Patterns
Jamie Christina | Hey June Handmade | Wardrobe by Me | Filles á Maman
Blog Tour
Twenty-five bloggers(!!) will be giving us some inspirations by sewing up an Itch to Stitch pattern (or two). They will be hacking and jazzing the patterns, adding a heavy dose of their personal styles. Come back each day to see their amazing outfits!
Scruffy Badger Time | Call Ajaire | Wally and Grace
Sew Wrong | Bella Sunshine Designs | Seaside Notions | Made by Jaime
Sweet Little Chickadee | Inspinration | Friends Stitched Together
Stoney Sews | Just Keep Sewing | My Little Sewing Dreams
Allie J. | Creative Counselor | Love, Lucie | Girls in the Garden
FABulous Home Sewn | Goddess of Sewing | Rebel & Malice | The Telltale Tasha
House of Estrela | Made by Sara | Sew Shelly Sew | Red Knits
There will also be a never-before sale. Be sure to come back and check it out. You really do not want to miss it!
(The Rafflecopter will begin at midnight Eastern Time on Oct 8th, 2015.)
I remember standing next to my grandmother as she sewed doll clothes- my job was to yell “jump” every time a pin went near the presser foot. I don’t recall her ever hitting a pin 🙂
Even though I was very young at the time, my fondest sewing memory is of my mother when she brought home her dream sewing machine, the then brand new Singer 401, with all its fancy stitches. I learned many years later to sew on that machine, and it started my sewing habit.
I think my fondest sewing memory is when a lady I know found out that I sew and offered me her serger since she wasn’t sewing anymore. It was such a kind thing for her to do.
My fondest memory is of my late great aunt and her massive collection of hand sewn quilts from throughout her lifetime. I am lucky to own a few and one day I plan to teach myself the skill.
Congratulations! I’ve only started sewing again recently, and my fondest memory has been a long silk dress to wear at a ball. It was a first on so many levels, filled with very tense moments, and contained many mistakes. It did, though, get finished in time and look lovely – at a distance and to the untrained eye. It was so great to finish a challenging project and have it look like RTW!
Congratulations and thank You! Fond memories making the first winter coat.
My fondest memory is actually pretty recent. My daughter saw a picture of Beyonce’ wearing a Stella Jean skirt. She asked if I would be able to make a skirt like it for her. She had only one additional request. A split in the back…..because she has never had a skirt with a split. I agreed and said the split would be modest. She replied but of course I am a lady…lol. We went fabric she found the fabric she wanted and I got to work. When all was said and done the moment she tried it on, her eyes lit up. She couldn’t believe that as she calls it……her Beyonce’ skirt looks so much like the original skirt. To be honest, I was shocked, relieved and excited myself by the results. In the end, I was thrilled to be able to give her exactly what she asked for and she was beyond ecstatic.
My fondest sewing memory is sewing barbie clothes by hand at my grandmother’s feet while she sewed on the machine. She taught me starting at age 5 and really encouraged my love of sewing.
My fondest sewing memory is when I successfully completed and wore my first article of clothing: a circle skirt.
My fondest sewing memory is of Jr. High sewing class. Chatting with friends and smocking a pillow. I recently found that pillow again and was dying for an afternoon of sewing with those same girls all these years later.
My fondest sewing memory was when my children were little I sewed their clothes, now they prefer buying their own clothes.
Thanks for the giveaway! My fondest memory is my nana teaching me to sew. The first thing we made together was a pair of pajama pants 🙂
My fondest sewing memory, is also one of my first memories of seeing! My grandmother bought be my first sewing machine when I was in the third grade. I had seen her sewing before and had told her how I wanted to make my dolls clothes like she made clothes for me! I’ll never forget the day she pulled out my very own sewing machine! We made a little skirt for my doll! I’ve loved sewing ever since!
I have too many great sewing memories to pick one that’s the fondest. But one of the most fun was a sewing sleepover at the high school. We were all working toward getting our Make It With Wool projects finished. Tons of fun and lots of giggling.
The special occasion clothes that my mum sewed for my when I was a little girl hold the fondest sewing memories for me – when I look at them and touch their fabric I think of lots of very happy moments!
My fondest sewing memory is sewing a garment with absolutely no mistakes that came out perfectly. Wait a minute, I don’t think that has happened yet. I’m working diligently though to make this dream a reality. Happy birthday!
Thanks for the giveaway! My fondest memory is a very recent one – participating in (and ultimately winning) the Super Online Sewing Match this summer!
My fondest sewing memory is proving my high school sewing teacher wrong when she predicted I would fail my exams and I achieved a Distinction.
I am not sure if this is my fondest, but it keeps coming back to me. I remember being a little girl and taking scraps of fabric and wrapping them around my Barbies. I would sew the clothes (most of the time) while the fabric was wrapped around the doll.
Congratulations – love your patterns
My fondest sewing memory is when my aunt taught me to sew a few years ago. We had a fun day and I learn an awesome skill.
Happy Anniversary – I enjoyed sewibg the Marbella dress this summer! My favourite sewing memory is getting a second hand sewing machine and starting again after years of not sewing – it has really changed my life!
My first sewing memory is sewing my first dress for my daughter with my SIL. It was the first real thing I have even sewn and I still love it.
When I decided to dust off my machine and re-learn how to sew cute clothes for my daughter.
Memories of sewing precut pink gingham dresses ordered for me and sister as kits with my mum, when I was 9.
My favorite sewing moments are the times I sew with my granddaughter!
My fondest sewing Memory is when I finished my winter coat. It took me 3 months to complete and I am so proud of it.
I’d say my fondest memory would be when I broke my wrist badly right before my daughters had dance competitions and I still had costumes to finish.. I ended up having to teach my mum (who had been the one to teach me to sew) how to make the costumes.
And then I had a production line of my sister doing beading, etc for me!
What an awesome giveaway! I have so many fond sewing memories. I think my fondest are the ones from when I just started to really get into sewing and the genuine surprise when people discovered I made something they wanted to get for themselves and asked where I bought it.
Awesome giveaway, thanks for offering.
the dondert memory is me sewing up the first pair of itty bitty Tiny pants for my newborn baby girl, four years ago. I was soooo proud of myself 🙂
My favorite sewing memory is actually listening to my seven year old daughter tell me her favorite memory. She told me that her favorite times is reading in the living room (where my sewing stuff is) and listening to my machine whirring and me singing. I like to put on Pandora and listen to some Indie Rock stations while I sew. I have been doing this for years and she waited until a couple weeks ago to tell me that it is her favorite memories of me.
I guess my favorite sewing memory is of my son and all of his high school buddies spending weeks in my basement cutting and sewing Star Wars outfits to wear to a dance. We called them the SewBros.
Oh my gosh I would LOVE to win this prize package. I came over here from AllieJ ‘s blog.
What great prizes!! My fondest memory is actually not of my ‘best’ sewing creation, but of probably my earliest. My grandmother was teaching me to sew on her old Singer (electric, but knee treadle). I was making a skirt and trying to insert the zipper. So frustrated when it wasn’t going well. When I thought I’d finally done it I brought it to her. She smiled and said ‘try it on’. After a futile effort to do so, I realized it was “insideout, upside down and won’t work!!” She laughed and took me to the sewing machine where she helped me re-do the zipper. To this day I remember her gentle laugh and all the help she gave to become the sewist I am today. 🙂
Happy birthday to you. 🙂 my fondest sewing memory must be from sewing up my cousins wedding dress. She wanted a bright yellow 1930’s dress and asked me if I would make it. I did, and we used maybe 4 months to get it perfect. It was a nightmare to sew in slippery satin silk on full bias. But boy did she look lovely. It’s also on my blog if anyone wants to see it.
Happy Birthday, Itch to Stitch! My fondest memories are all those ah ha moments. I gain more confidence when I learn a new technique, or discover and learn how to use a new sewing tool.
Best sewing memory is , as a teenager, is sewing a dress for my self and getting advise on it from my grandmother who was an expert seamstress.
Happy Birthday, Kennis! My fondest sewing memory is probably going to the fabric store with my Mom when I was about 10 years old, and spending hours thumbing through all of the pattern books.
sewing my first garment: some flowery bloomers for my baby girl!
Modeling a skirt I made in the 4H fashion show when I was only 8 yrs old.
My fondest sewing memory….I think this was after I took a class on drafting and created my first dress all drafted by me, no pattern. I felt like every scrapped sewing disaster in my long run of sewing was worth it because here I had created this one of a kind garment that was just perfectly me.
I remember watching my nana doing her lacework. Unfortunately I never had the chance to learn from her but I do admire people who can do it.
Happy Birthday!! I’ve only recently discovered your patterns and absolutely love them!! I recently made the Kathryn dress for my crazy event filled October and was not disappointed. It’s adorable. In fact, I wore it to the ballet and had another guest ask where I found such a fantastic dress. I was quite proud to say I created it! That is my favorite recent memory … Modeling one of my woolen suit creations as a teen in a national wool competition is a close second.
Thanks so much for such great patterns … I hope you have many more years of creating!
My mom taught me to hand embroider when I was about 5. From there she helped my sisters and I learn to machine sew clothes for ourselves and Barbie. Growing up, we had very few store bought clothes. And now, I’m enjoying getting back to my roots and a handmade wardrobe!
I remember watching my Nan sew (on the same machine I use now – I inherited it ☺) and she was that good of a sewist, she didn’t have to stop the machine to remove each pin. She’d just pluck the pin out as she was sewing the seam. Amazing!!
It is not related to sewing myself… but when I was younger choosing buttons in my grandmothers collection.
Happy Birthday Itch to Stitch!
Hmm favorite sewing memory?? Probably finishing my first Deer and Doe plantain shirt. It was such a good feeling to finish something I knew I would actually wear!
Happy birthday Itch to Stitch! I’m excited to try my first Marbella dress soon 🙂
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday. Thanks for your work..I love your pattern !!
When I completed my Desmond backpack. Such a great make.
Happy Birthday, thanks for sharing the fun! My fondest memory is making pajamas and baby quilts for my boys. So proud of what I can do!
I have many fond sewing memories. One early one is making headbands for my stuffed animals when I was little. A more recent one is finishing a pair of jeans for my three-year-old. I never thought I would understand enough about sewing to accomplish that.
My favourite memory of sewing is making a dress that fitted well, although when I wear it now I think it may need a FBA. Congrats on your one year anniversary l.
Well done & happy birthday what a great achievement. I’m looking forward to the tour & plan to make the Marbella dress for in Orange corduroy for autumn.
Loving all the fondest sewing memory comments. Mine is making costumes for the Christmas show my lovely Granny ‘produced’ every Boxing Day. All the women gathered at her house to sew (a bit sexist but it’s was the 70’s) & gossip!
Congrats, fond memories making a quilt
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! I can’t wait to see what amazing designs are still to come.
My most fondest sewing memory is from a year and a half ago, when I successfully completed my first item. I stood up from the machine and marveled at my creation. Sure it did not fit and there were tons of mistakes but it was my item and I loved it.
My fondest sewing memory is the feeling I got when I made my first dress. That was the greatest feeling
My fondest sewing memory is when I learned to use a sewing machine back in girl scouts. What a blast!
Also congratulations Kennis! You’re a pattern machine 🙂 I need the Marbella dress
My favorite sewing memory was refashioning an old scratchy shirt dress into a vest for a Halloween pirate costume. For the most part I love relying on sewing patterns to learn techniques, but sometimes I miss the days when I was more creative in making up ways to do things.
My son’s postive responce to his first pair of hand made pajamas. ” Mommy made it, because she loves me”
I recall the sewing days, as a child, at my grandmothers home and also at my aunts’ home, with real sewing rooms, ironing stations,… when clothes would be refashioned and many of my grandfathers shirts would end as garments for me, a little girl then. Everything was handmade, even beach towels.
Congratulations! Hope many years will follow. I have just sterted sewing so I do not have much memories to share yet, but my first sewn dress was quite the achievement for me. So proud to finally see the end product.
Happy birthday! I’ve loved your patterns so far, keep them coming!
I’m currently working on a busy book for our daughter for Christmas. It is taking me F-O-R-E-V-E-R, but I can imagine her excited face playing with it – totally worth it!
Congratulations. My fondest sewing memory is my Mum making me a dress for my first school disco in primary
primary school.
Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
My fondest memory was of my grandmother teaching me to make a drawstring bag when I first showed interest in sewing. It was on her old Singer treadle machine. After the first few straight lines it was hard to resist pedaling at super speed. Had loads of fun though grandma probably wasn’t the most impressed I suspect – bag turned out fine though!
On a side note, when is the Mila shirt pattern coming out? Waiting in anticipation!
Congratulations Kennis. Over the first year you’ve made a lovely variety of patterns. Love to see what the second and all the following years will bring. Sonja
Congrats! Many more to come!
Thank you! 😀
Happy Birthday! And thank you
Be sure to come back! 🙂