Itch to Stitch Birthday Tour – Day 1
Ta da! Itch to Stitch is full-fledged one year old this very day! Thank you for visiting and share this very joyful day with me! I am not going to let the birthday go quietly. Festivity is in order. I have 25 bloggers lined up and each of them will add their personal style and magic to one or more Itch to Stitch patterns. But wait, there’s more. We also have today’s featured designer pattern giveaway. And if you haven’t already, you should enter the Rafflecopter at the end of this page to win the grand prize! And did you notice the banner up top? Yes, there’s also a sale going on! You will get 20% off one pattern, 30% off two patterns, or 40% off three or more patterns. So much going on!
(Check out other days of the Itch to Stitch Birthday Tour.)
Blog Tour
Without further ado, let me introduce today’s participants of the blog tour.
Winnie from Scruffy Badger Time
“I’m Winnie, from Bath in the UK and I blog at http://scruffybadgertime.co.uk. About my sewing exploits as I sew my way obsessively through my wardrobe. I’ve been sewing since I was a little girl, being taught by my mum and love that I am also following in the footsteps of my female great-aunts whipping up a dress for a night out, the day before! I’m also a slow half marathon runner, currently training for a marathon and I love any opportunity to combine my two hobbies and make unique kit to run in!”
Winnie added her personal touch on Carey Top.
Melissa from Bella Sunshine Designs
Melissa Prendergast of Bella Sunshine Designs loves long walks on the beach as long as it involves pretty dresses with lace details. Lucky for her, the dress she made from the Marbella dress pattern is perfect for any beach side date nights. Check out her post to see how she hacked the pattern to include both an altered neckline and lace blind hem.
Amy from Wally and Grace Designs
“I’m Amy from Wally and Grace Designs. I learned to sew about 10 years ago because I had to hem nearly every single dress, skirt, and pair of pants I bought. But I soon discovered that I loved the creativity and freedom that sewing provides. Today, I sew in my spare time- about 10 minutes at a time while the kids are busy – for myself, my two kids, and even my husband. I have a crazy dream that someday all of us will have entirely handmade wardrobes.”
Amy added the useful and stylish zipped pocket to her Idyllwild Dress.
Today’s Featured Designer
PDF pattern designers have a friendly and supportive community. There are many designers who have helped me along the way to get Itch to Stitch started. I’d love to take the opportunity to feature some of them.
I dare say that Lauren from BASTE + GATHER made Itch to Stitch possible. I took Lauren’s Pattern Workshop class and that’s where I learned to turn my hand-draft patterns into PDF patterns. And the class is much more than that. She talked about marketing, testing, setting up shop, creating an affiliate program and more. If you are an aspiring sewing pattern designer or a veteran one who wants to ditch your paper and pencil, the class is for you.
Lauren is generously donating two patterns (Syrah Skirt and Foxglove Tank) to one lucky winner today. If you are interested to win them, please leave a comment and tell us who is your sewing mentor, whether it’s in person, in print or online.
Grand Prize Rafflecopter
One lucky winner will be chosen to take home fabulous prizes. Be sure to enter for your chance to win.
The Fabric Store – $100 Gift certificate
Elliott Berman Textiles – Fabric bundle from France & Italy
Craftsy – three online classes of your choice
Girl Charlee Fabrics – $25 Gift certificate
Indie Sew – $25 Gift certificate
UpCraft Club – $25 Gift certificate
Quarto Publishing Group USA – the SHIRTMAKING WORKBOOK by David Page Coffin
Follow these blogs to see their awesome creations from Itch to Stitch patterns:
Scruffy Badger Time | Call Ajaire | Wally and Grace
Sew Wrong | Bella Sunshine Designs | Seaside Notions | Made by Jaime
Sweet Little Chickadee | Inspinration | Friends Stitched Together
Stoney Sews | Just Keep Sewing | My Little Sewing Dreams
Allie J. | Creative Counselor | Love, Lucie | Girls in the Garden
FABulous Home Sewn | Goddess of Sewing | Rebel & Malice | The Telltale Tasha
House of Estrela | Made by Sara | Sew Shelly Sew | Red Knits
When I was a kid and learning to sew, I made an entire skirt myself with a paper pattern in a 4-H group. We then had a formal modeling show of the garments we made, and then entered them into the county fair I won a blue ribbon, and that was such a sweet surprise to me at the time, such a great memory of sewing! The first time I ever though maybe I could actually “do” this!
My fondest sewing memory is the day that I bought my first Bernina sewing machine. I was so confused. I used heavy duty thread and wondered why it wouldn’t work. The dealer and other sewist at the shop were so helpful and patient with my awkward attempts to use the machine. This was my first introduction to the wonderful world of sewing women and men. I was so glad to be in the world of sewing.
I loved teaching my daughter to sew.
my fondest sewing memory is sewing a stuffed toy with my son. he drew a picture of what he wanted to make, we cut out around his drawing then sewed it together. so fun! my daughter has drawn a picture of a dress she would like to sew for her stuffed wolf, and i can’t wait to sew it with her!
Happy Birthday Kennis/Itch to Stitch!
My fondest memory of sewing is being taught by my Grandmother how to sew when I was very young. I’ve made a lot of things with her guidance and will always treasure the skills and patience she taught me.
My fondest sewing memory is sitting with my late sister, each of us stitching up Christmas presents for our kids. Thanks for prompting me to remember this day.
My seeing mentor is my mom. She whips up sensible clothes without a pattern. Grand daughter dress? Boom. Grand daughter need a replacement pant in a pinch? Boom. Too hot, need a nice repurposed knit tank top? And, boom.
My mother would always take me to the fabric store and let me pick out fabric and notions for special holiday dresses. My favorite memory is picking bunny buttons and Peter rabbit bunny fabric for Easter when I was 50
hovering around the warm glow of the sewing light as my mom would work away on the sewing machine, she would give me little tidbits of information that, unbeknownst to me at the time, would kick off my love for sewinf
My sewing mentor is the woman who taught me–she ran an open studio night at the local fabric store, and I still remember coming back a few months later to show her my semi-formal dress in 3 layers of silk. Would not be sewing if she hadn’t let me join that first class at the last minute!
Perhaps my fondest sewing memory was my first big project that actually turned out usable. It was a Christmas tree skirt that we still use every year. And it looks surprisingly good even though I didn’t really know what I was doing at the time. 🙂 (As you might expect, not everything turned out that well in the beginning.)
My fondest memory was the first comment from a friend on my sewing
my mentor was my mum, and later all the online sewing blogs there are.
My best sewing moment was staying up till late to sew a dress to wear to a wedding and bring complimented by friends at the wedding.
Happy birthday! As a child I loved playing in our old button box, discovering treasures of yesteryear, as my mum sewed beside me 🙂
My sewing memory is making a shorts in the 1980’s that were so huge and full but it was the style back then. I laugh every time I see the picture of me proudly wearing them.
One of my fondest memories is from when I was in high school, and my best friend came over to use my sewing machine; we both had to sew moles (like, the animal) for our honors chemistry class. We watched Invader Zim commentary and it was just ridiculous and fun 🙂
My mole came out atrocious.
Learning to sew with my mom! She gave me a great gift, that I didn’t fully appreciate at the time. 😉
I have so many great sewing memories….sewing with the women of my family – mom,sisters and my daughter but also teaching my husband how to sew a seam. Lately I feel so fortunate to be sewing for my grandaughter Maggie who was born in June. I’m putting as much love in each piece of clothing that I can
I have just started sewing so my most exciting memory was getting my shiny new sewing machine for my birthday in July x
I just started sewing about 2 years ago and my mom and grandma have been a great resource for me to turn to when I have questions. So I don’t so much as have one fond memory, when I call to talk to them and ask questions about something I am sewing usually they will tell me a story about something they made similar, how they wore it, etc. I love being able to have these conversations with two women I love very much and learn more about them.
My fondest sewing memory is when I finished my first quilt.
Congratulations Itch to Stitch! 🙂
I remember making a Rapunzel dress for my eldest, and the sparkle in her eyes when she realised I’d made it for her…. priceless!
My fondest moment was the excitement and pride I got from completing my first self made garment – which I still wear regularly!
My favorite memory is playing in my grandmother’s fabric store while my mom was working on school clothes for my birthday. 6inch hems for growing girls. 🙂
I don’t have one fondest memory but sewing was always the group activity I did with my mother. We have very few interest in common but this one brought us together during my childhood and teen years.
Watching my mom draft patterns.
My mother inspired me to learn to sew. As a result, I studied textiles at university and to date my fondest sewing moment was when I finally completed a full length hand tailored cashmere winter coat as part of my class assignment. I was even more thrilled when I received the instructor’s evaluation and my mark on the coat. Now I receive inspiration and learn new techniques from sewing related Blogs.
Keep up the great work on your Blog and continued success developing indie patterns.
Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
My fondest memory was of my grandmother teaching me to make a drawstring bag when I first showed interest in sewing. It was on her old Singer treadle machine. After the first few straight lines it was hard to resist pedaling at super speed. Had loads of fun though grandma probably wasn’t the most impressed I suspect – bag turned out fine though!
On a side note, when is the Mila shirt pattern coming out? Waiting in anticipation!
So inspiring what you’ve accomplished this year! My sewing mentor is my Mom who taught me to sew, and the sewing ladies I’ve met through my sewing business have continued the mentor ship!
My fondest sewing memory was seeing my sister sew right through her index finger! X-rays, ER, and the works. I think of her every time I get my fingers maybe just a little to close!!
Happy Birthday! I don’t really have a sewing mentor but I am inspired by my mom and mother-in-law. My mom has sewn all my life and my mother-in-law always encouraged and loved everything I made.
My fondest moment was teaching my 7th grade daughter how to layout and sew a simple dress. It was back in the day of “Jiffy Patterns” and we had a lot of fun working on it together. Today she is an accomplished seamstress (much, much better than I ever was). Her business is to take a wedding party and design and sew for the bride down to the flower girl. In this case – I guess I was her mentor!
My fondest sewing memory was making all of my kids Halloween costumes. We still have several of them.
My mentor was my mother that taught me to sew because I loved it since before I started school. She taught me to do it right. If I did something wrong I had to take it out and do it again. For that I am thankful
My mom is my mentor! She taught me to sew when I was young, starting with feeding paper through the machine with no thread! Sewing would frustrate me like almost nothing else could, but I am so glad she helped me persevere and it has become so rewarding! (I don’t think I’ll ever be altering bridal gowns like she can, though)
My fondest sewing memory was sewing the hem on my wedding dress, the morning of the wedding and everyone freaking out about it except for me.
My fondest sewing memory is making my first skirt for my little girl. I was pretty new to sewing too.
Congrats on your birthday & what a generous way to celebrate ^^
I find sewing memories are a bit like music, there are sewing memories that go with the various phases and events in my life. getting nostalgic though, I do remember my very first sewing book when I was about 7 years old~ all hand sewing beginning with a pincushion & needle book then working up to a rag doll and simple soft toys.
My fondest sewing memory is wearing a great Anna dress that I made with my own two hands to my high school reunion last month; I am amazed I could make a dress that I was proud to wear!
My fondest sewing memory was probably when I was eighteen and my mom was teaching me how to make a dress. It was the early 90s so the skirt was very full and sundressy — after I got it gathered and carefully sewn on, I lifted up the dress to discover that I’d sewn it on inside out. Very frustrating at the time but we laugh about it these days. Good lesson to start with, though — pay attention, but realize that stupid mistakes *will* happen 😉
My fondest sewing memory is when I was only four years old and my mom sewed the most beautiful dress for me. It was far fancier and much nicer than any dress in any store. But, what really made the dress so special to me was that she made it herself.
my favorite memory is my aunt teaching me how to sew zippers in my first dress
Congratulations on a year of patterns! My fondest sewing memory is when my mom, who taught me to sew, called me for sewing advice!!
I think my fondest memory is in the 7th Grade taking Home Ec and sewing my very first dress! I remember it like it was yesterday and have been addicted since then! Happy Birthday!!!!
My fondest memory was when i finished my 1st shirt. I never thought i could sew my own clothes.
My fondest memory is sitting by the side of my sweet nannan, who was both my inspiration and my mentor whilst learning to see.
She was very ‘old school’, and wouldn’t allow me to take ANY shortcuts!
She’d positively scold me if she saw some of the lazy things I do today!! ?
My fondest sewing memory is receiving my first sewing machine as a birthday gift from my mother. 🙂
my fondest memory is the purchase of my 1st machine,it was my 17th birthday my dad,my husband (yes, I was a teenage bride and mom) and I pooled our money to buy a machine as the one that was advertised was sold out had enough money for that one ,and no plastic to pay with for the one that was higher priced.Sewed for 12 years on that machine till it needed repairs and couldn`t get the parts needed .So my great daddy bought me a new one. Thanks dad been sewing ever (40 years) since and have many machines now,but the first one I taught myself how to sew on was the best by far.
Sewing mentor….wow! I’d have to say my ‘mentor’ is all the great PDF patterns out there…that’s how I’ve learned most of the techniques I know, and also a great book from Reader’s Digest about sewing techniques!
LOVE Blog and Happy Birthday, I have the itch to stitch but have to finish cleaning my sewing room !
Sewing such a wonderful craft to learn. I watched my aunt sew a lot and she inspired me to start trying. One day I was invited to a wedding and had to make my bridesmaid dress. Too it to the tailor, he measured and marked me and miraculously came out with a dress. I said to myself ” I can try that” – few years later, here I am …..
Probably my favorite sewing memory is having the privilege of making my Daughter-in-law’s wedding dress. We got to know each other better as we went through the process of choosing patterns, fabric and a week of fittings. There were lots of fabric roses on the back that took me hours. I am happy to call her my friend 20 years later and consider her one of my own!
I taught myself to sew however I have found invaluable knowledge from a lot of other sewists who share their knowledge with me. I dont know what I would do without the internet and all the wonderful people who make sewing fun!
Sitting in mum’s sewing room with her as a child cutting up all the project scraps into little bitty pieces and hand sewing it all onto my barbies. A love developed that I have nurtured for my entire life so far
My sewing mentor is my Mum. Although she doesn’t sew any longer she used to make all our clothes for me and my 4 sisters. That was no mean feat. She didn’t use patterns, probably never knew there was commercial patterns available, she used to make patterns up herself with newspaper. She had a treadle Singer that I made my first shirred dress when I was 10. I loved the treadle so much I bought one a few years ago. Now I make Mum some stuff – I think she likes that I made it for her and she buys me fabric from the op shop now!
My fondest memory is my grandmother teaching me to sew. I wore that dress proudly.
I also enjoyed teaching my daughter to sew.
My fondest sewing memory is when I would sew with my mother close at my side to guide and direct me.
My mentor and most decided critic of my skills was my mom. Thanks to her I am very focused on sewing well.
I taught myself to sew but I have a few people I look up to for advice! You and Melissa! 😀
Probably the first time I made something with knit . . . the little knit baby pants I made my son. So adorable.
Fondest memory: My dad letting me test out all the stitch options from our old machine on a dish towel. I still think of dish towels every time I want to test out new stitches.
Congrats on the one year anniversary. What a great giveaway to celebrate.
I guess my sewing mentor would be learning to sew in 4-H many many years ago. Beyond that it has been mostly trial and error but I have found lots of help on the many sewing blogs and Y Tube videos on the web.
Congratulations on your first year!
My Grandmother is my lifelong sewing mentor, she began teaching me to sew when I was three — 55 years ago!!! I still love sewing with her, even though she’s 100 now!
My fondest sewing memory isn’t “technically” sewing, but it was having my three yr old son help me make the embroidery stitches for an alphabet blanket I made for him in the months prior to his passing away from leukemia.
That’s a beautiful memory. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙁
I pretty much taught myself to sew via trial & error, but I have also gotten tons if great info & inspiration from a number of bloggers, so I guess you could say that they are my mentors!
My fondest memory is sewing Barbie doll clothes, oh so long ago! My favorite things now are baby clothes & blankets!
I started sewing when my daughter was about 2 years old. I couldn’t get anything to fit her waist she is so slim and all the clothes seem to be made for much chubbier kids in addition she had already been toilet trained so this added to the frustration of finding stuff to fit. Now I make all the clothes for my daughters, some for me, gifts for their friends and my nieces. The only exceptions are underwear and tshirts (because knit fabric is expensive in Australia). We sewists are extremely lucky because the patterns made today by all the indie designers are so well made and have awesome instructions!
My sewing guild is my mentor. It’s a great group that considers sewing to be a social activity. We all throw input at each other in a respectful manner. A wonderful way to be inspired!
My grandpa inspired me to start sewing. That guy cranks out about 200 quilts a year. Then I’ve learned so much from the fantastic teachers at Stitch Lab in Austin, TX.
My fondest sewing memory is teaching my 3 DD (10,8,6) to sew.
My fondest memory is setting with my Mom as a kid when she taught me to sew. Being the youngest of 4 that one on one time with my Mom was always special.
Happy birthday. Love all your designs
I have always wanted to be like Mrs. Doyle when it comes to my sewing. She made suits, coats, fancy dresses and they all looked so professional. I am no where near her ability but I have been giving it a try.
My great-aunt would come to my house and help me make doll clothes for my Barbie. That was over 50 years ago.
I love the Petal Skirt pattern. That’s one of my favorite makes.
My fondest sewing memory involves actually finishing something!! A little skirt for my 3yo daughter who was so stoked with me! 🙂
This is an awesome giveaway.
My sewing mentor is MiniG of MimiG.com. I found her blog 3 years ago when I was going through an incredibly emotional time in my life. I hadn’t sewn in years and even back then it was only little home decor things. Mimi’s blog had such modern pieces and get instructions were incredibly easy to follow. I wanted to do what she did…LOL. Since then I have created a sewing room in my home and now I sew strictly for pleasure and I love every moment of it.
My fondest memory is when I completed my first piece of clothing – for my tween girl. She wore it everywhere for three days straight. I was so proud of myself for creating something my child loved to wear.
I recently rediscovered sewing when I visited a beautiful fabric shop. Memories of fun times during sewing classes with Mrs. I came back and I got in touch with Mrs. I to help me get back into sewing. She has been encouraging and especially supportive of my growing fabric stash!
my favorite memory is really a collection of memories of my little girl. her first dress was a mommy made with love dress. I made her first day of school each year, her prom dresses and graduation dress. then she said “mom I need a wedding dress. 30000 beads later I watched her walk down the aisle following all the bridesmaids and flowergirls in mommy made clothes. she was/is my favorite inspiration. and the reason I learn to sew. I am self taught from a book.
Congratulations on your first year! Both my mother and my grandmother were my mentors in sewing, over 50 years.
My mentor is an old family friend grandmother figure. She makes the most beautiful quilts!!
Happy Birthday ! My mom; she was a fantastic sewer and an amazing hand sewer. She sewed all my clothes when I was little from cast offs from other people. She encouraged me to sew always. Thanks Mom.
My fondest memory of sewing has to be me and my Mom making a christening gown for my first grandchild and her first great grandchild.
My favorite mentor is Glenda Sparling from Sure Fit Designs. She is so helpful when you have a fitting problem and has tons of You Tube video’s and articles on her web site. I took a class from her and got a perfect body blue print fit on my first try!
Congratulations! Looking forward to see all those amazing bloggers creations!
My sewing mentor is Megan Neilson
My mom letting me sew by hand some things for my stuffed animals.
My fondest memory…hmm…
Probably when my Grandpa said “Oh my gosh! You made that dress? Oh, my word.”
It was a complement and makes me chuckle every time I think of it. 🙂
Happy birthday! I am so excited to see what you come up with in the next year!
Watching my grandma sew is my greatest memory. She is also who I look up to in sewing!
When I showed an interest in sewing mother sent me to a lady in the neibourhood who had a sewing school .I learned most of what I know and still use today. Then I high school I had a great teacher who took a special interest in me . I owe me love of sewing to more than one person but thank you to all of you.
Every time I sew I’m reminded of my mum sewing me summer dresses because I use her vintage Bernina. ?
My fondest memory of sewing is when my little one is sitting on my lap, helping.
My fondest sewing memory is sewing with my Mother on her in the table Singer solid metal machine. 🙂
My fondest sewing memory is probably the reason I sew – sitting at my mothers feet while she sewed & sorting all her buttons into muffin tins, dumping & sorting again…I do the same with my children
Sewing ran in several generations of my family. I hope I am not the last one in my family … FIESTA
My fondest sewing memories have to do with sewing for (and now with) my daughter. Happy Birthday!
My fondest sewing memory is winning a DIY ‘fashion show’ when I was in Girl Scouts. I made a suit jacket and matching skirt out of a grey blue twill like fabric. I don’t think I have photos, which may be a good thing!
My fondest sewing memory is from when I was a teenager and my Mom taught me how to sew a pillow with fringe! It was the beginning of my love for sewing.
Wow, this is great! I think my fondest sewing memory is one of my earliest – making my first t-shirt quilt. There was a lot I didn’t know, and there were some things that I did wrong, but I use that quilt every day in the winter.
My sewing mentor is my Dad. He has sewn all my life, and it’s now something we can connect about. We talk about sewing most of the times we’re together, it seems 🙂
I started out sewing things for the house, curtains, pillow covers, etc…but my fondest memory was the first time I made something my kids could wear, and they actually wore it!
My Grandmothers and my Mother all helped in my sewing education. My favorite memory is of my Granny Irene, letting me play with her button collection and make doll clothes out of her sewing scraps.
I think my mother deserves the credit. Throughout my life she’s been an invaluable wealth of knitting and sewing knowledge which she gained from her own mother. As well, not only did she decide to send me to Waldorf school but she drove two hours daily roundtrip, to get me to and from. And Waldorf school is where I first learned to knit and hand sew at the tender age of 5. Without that early imprinting who knows whether I ever would have located my love of sewing and knitting!
My fondest sewing memory is finishing my very first project, a night gown for my younger sister. I was around 7 years old. I remember my mom was shocked at how well I did. She refused to help other than orally guiding me through the steps. I just couldn’t wait for my dad to get home so I could show him. I still have that nightgown. My 2 daughter’s have worn it and I’m getting ready to hand it over to my sister (the one I made it for) so her daughter can wear it.
Happy birthday! I have l9ved sewing up your patterns and look forward to many more! My sewing mentor has been my good friend Alyssa. She always answered all of my newbie questions and critiques all of my work for me!
Happy birthday! My fondest sewing memory is working on projects with my mom and her telling me stories of my grandma and great grandma sewing with her.
Congratulations on one year! Idyllwild was one of my first PDF pattern purchases. 🙂
My mother taught me to sew when I was a kid, and these days my mother-in-law is my chief sewing enabler.
My fondest sewing memory is of making cloth diapers for my youngest. It hasn’t been that long, only about a year ago(!), but they were so cute and gratifying to make something so very useful.
My fondest sewing memory is when I completed my first cloth diaper project <3 It was one of the first things I learned how to sew. Seeing it on my little guy was pretty amazing. Also I made a dress for myself and having so many people compliment on it was pretty awesome too.
Happy Birthday!!
My fondest sewing memory is teaching my 10 year old daughter to sew <3
Love your patterns! Congratulations and Happy Birthday Itch to Stitch!
happy anniversary!!!! Excited for the blog posts and sale! My fondest sewing memory is learning to see from my mom on her original 1950’s singer machine 🙂
My sewing mentor is my friend Sue, though she’s a quilter. We love cutting fabric together and do show-and-tell every time we see each other.
My fondest sewing memory is the worn out but still fitting shirt that my dad puts on from time to time – I made it 26 years ago.
Happy Birthday,
my mom was my inspiration, she used to make my halloween costumes and pretty dress.
Happy Birthday!
My fondest sewing memory is sitting at my great grandmother’s treadle sewing machine, stretching my toes out to work the peddle so I could get the needle to move.
My sewing mentor is the internet. All the smartest folks live in there. ;o)
Happy Birthday!! My fondest moment is when I made my husband a pillow from one of his dads shirts! Not only was it a fondest moment but memories!!
Happy birthday!
My fondest memory is of sewing my wedding dress. Yes it was stressful and no it wasn’t a perfect finish, but my husband loved how I looked in it and that made it all worth while!
Christine Haynes, Anna Graham, April Rhodes just to name a few.
I loved making my jeans quilt. It took a long time, too many broken needles in a night put me off a few times, but I still love the result and the fact that it’s entirely repurposed (old jeans, a very old tee and a left-over curtain…)
Buying fabric is fun, but working with what you have is great too for creativity I believe… 🙂
Congrats btw on the birthday!
Congratulations on your first year, may the future of ITS bring you many more successes!
My fondest sewing memory is of my beautiful Nana very patiently sharing her knowledge with me, these days I keep her photo on my machine as my Sewing Guardian Angel ?
Great looks.
My fondest sewing memory is my husband patiently teaching me to use our sewing machine and his applause when i completed my first project
Happy birthday! My fondest sewing memory is when my girls used to squeal over whatever I made them. It was, and still is, great motivation to keep going!
My mom taught me to sew! I used to love staying up late at night with her sewing Barbie clothes, costumes, crafts, or new clothes for me and my siblings!
my mum always made my clothes when I was younger and taught those skills to me. She has to be my mentor as she is my go to when I get stuck! (Happy birthday found you through love lucie)
My sewing mentor is my mother-in-law. She didn’t get me started, but she has encouraged me every step of the way, and helped me along when I got stuck.
My fondest sewing memory was when I was a teenager. My mom had a ratty old shirt that had once said “World’s greatest mom” on the front, so I cut it up, and turned it into a pillow, with trim around the edges. It was far from perfect, but the look on my mom’s face inspired me to make more, to give more.